Welcome to CARS
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin is our state association for professionals in the automotive recycling industry. It is the only state association specifically designed to increase the efficiency and profitability of business in the automotive dismantling and recycling industry, while continuing to preserve and protect our environment.
To learn more about CARS or to become a member click here.
From the Secretary’s Desk
Hello fellow recyclers, I am writing this secretary's letter to inform you of the legislation that has been worked on in Madison. The info is from your Legislation Committee. I have also sent this info to your company by email. Because this is so important to your business I am putting the info in the WI-CARS Newsletter. Please be sure to check this out and contact the CARS Legislation Committee.
President: Jerad Jandrain - Bay Auto
Vice President: Robbie Koepp - Morrison Auto
Sec: Thomas Hermann - Cleveland Auto
Sincerely your Ex. Sec
Sandy Dumke |
Join CARS of Wisconsin! Like most non-profit organizations CARS OF WISCONSIN is looking for new members. We want to get more yards to join our association. I know there has been a lot of yards sold, and sorry to see some have closed for good. We need more yards to be able to make a good showing with the state government.
Having more association members helps prove that we are an important industry, and should not be neglected.
If you know any of the new owners, or some of the yards you have dealt with for years, that are not members of CARS please encourage them to join. I have included the membership application for your convince.
Learn more.
Sincere Sympathy
We want to send our sincere sympathy to the family of a long time member of CARS. Robert (Bob) Ogrezovich passed away at the age of 67 from sudden cardiac arrest, surrounded by his loving family at home in Waukesha, WI.
Bob was Yard Manager and previoius owner of B&M Auto Sales and Parts Inc. He was born in Milwaukee to Bronco and Glady Ogrezovich. On November 13, 1982, Bob married the love of his life Dawn Laue. Bob and Dawn had two children, Jeffrey Scott and Amy Jean. He was also survived by his brother Mike Ogrezovich.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05am.
Present directors were Jen. Rob, Pete, Chaston, Tom H, Jerad and Sandy
Absent directors were Ryan, Matt, Tom G, Jeff, Areanna, & Packy.
There was no Treasure Report.
The secretary report was given. Motion to except was made by Tom and 2nd by Chaston.
There were no committee reports. The rest of the meeting was a discussion about the
Legislation committee.
Meeting adjourned at 7:31.
CARS OF WI vs Wholesalers Bill
Competition is good for our business, but many wholesalers aren't playing under the same set of rules.
This prior legislation session with the help of out Lobbyist, Greg Hubbard, LKQ's lobbyist and DOT a bill AB625/SB588) was drafted to change the requirements to become a wholesaler in the state of WI.
Read more.
Scrap Market for June
The May trading cycle was a little disappointing as mills dropped pricing despite reduced inflows across the Midwest. Export markets seem to be range bound with only slight adjustments. We're entering into summer maintenance season so don't be surprised as announcements are made for outages leading to reduced demands -- all of which can negatively impact ferrous markets. Best advice in uncertain markets, cash flow is king.
Read more.
Fastest Oil Change in Town
Is faster better? In the small town where we used it run a full-service shop, occasionally we would get some pushback from customers about the cost, and the time it would take to perform an oil change. "I can have it done over at the speedy lube for only $19.00 was the common utterance. As most of you know, in a sense that is probably true on the surface. But does it really work out? Let's take a look at the bigger picture.
Read more.
Put your logo on this newsletter for $240.00 a year!
For more info give me a call at 715-853-6831.
C.A.R.S. of Wisconsin Scholarship Opportunities
To apply for any of these three scholarships please submit an essay that answers all questions as completely as you can. In addition, add any information that you think may help separate yourself among the other candidates. All applications due November 30th.
Robert R. Morrison 1 scholarship available for $1500.00
Bob Hoffmann 1 scholarship available for $1000.00
Cheryl A Rastia 4 scholarships available for $ 500.00
Apply here.
Tom Goetsch started out fixing tires on heavy duty trucks. Then doing repairers on these trucks while working at a Ford dealership. Then I met Bob Hoffmann,, and he got me a job at Rhinelander Auto Salvage. My job is a parts salesman. That was 34 years ago. My favorite hobbies are training dogs and rebuilding Chevrolet trucks. I do mostly 1981 thru 1987.
